Kaylee Tulloch

Secondary School Student

"I believe climate change is the most prevalent issue in today's world, as what will any other issues matter if our world becomes inhospitable.

It is a growing worry for me; a young person who doesn’t know what their future will turn out like, who isn't even certain I will have one due to climate change.

This is a shared anxiety between many people of my age…”

“Well there certainly has been changes, there’s definitely climate change going on; there’s a lot of anecdotal evidence, and a lot of data that’s not really been collected, or fragments of data here and there; there’s a lot more work that could be done on pulling things together to build up the picture.

But certainly from my own experience, I did my PhD on monkfish, at the time that I was doing that, you were never seeing more than 3-5%, now you’re getting higher percentages so it would suggest there has been a shift in black-bellied ones moving north

...There’s been a lot of changes in the fishing industry; you never used to get hake here... there’s a massive amount of cod around here, huge aggregations of them. ...All the evidence is pointing towards a northwards migration of cod that is probably caused by a change in the temperature.

...They’re going further north. It might be caused by changes to plankton, to their overall food web; one wee change over here can have a huge knock-on effect.

…into the Norwegian Sea. …Some fishing boats are having to go way way north; it’s certainly a search to find that fish.

…The weather has been more extreme, and so there will be knock-on effects.”